Psocids Mites bite, Sound, Treatment, Infestation, Control

| October 23, 2017

Learn all about psocid mite bite, sound, treatment, infestation and over it. Psocids (pronounced SO-sids) are common outdoor insects, although some species are occasionally are found indoors. These are also known as barklice and booklice.

The oldest psocid fossil was found in Kansas and was thought to have lived about 290 million years ago, or 284 million years before man made his first appearance.

Psocids are small insects which love moisture. In general, they need to live where humidity is high or moisture is present. Common places for psocids populations to thrive include window sills, under outside siding of homes, tree trunks, shrubs, flowers, around garden hoses, under bricks and rocks, around light fixtures and under boxes. However, some species will readily live in books, book cases, attics and crawl spaces.

Psocids are tiny insects that live in damp environments. They eat mold and mildew. Some people call them barklice or booklice. The name barklice probably comes from the fact that outdoors they gather under the bark of trees. The name booklice comes from the fact that they gather on moldy books in damp homes. Experts think that the sizing and starch in the bindings of books supports mold growth in humid environments.

Booklice are rarely damaging inside homes but they can become a nuisance because of their presence, especially when they occur in large numbers. Despite being referred to as ‘lice’, neither booklice nor barklice are harmful to people or pets. In food storage, their presence may also indicate bacterial or mold growth.

Psocids Mites bite, Sound, Treatment, Infestation, Control

What are Psocids Mites

Psocids are soft bodied insects, less than 3/16 inches long with long, slender antennae. They are generally white, gray or brown in color and may either have four wings or are wingless. Under magnification, you can see the presence of a large, conspicuous nose (called a clypeus). Psocids often seem to appear suddenly. This may be because they are so small that people do not notice them when there are only a few around. Some people think psocids look like tiny termites.

Psocids Mites Bite Pain & Treatment

No, booklice are harmless insects to humans, plants and pets. These tiny creatures do not bite and do not cause or transmit diseases. As book lice enjoy a certain environment, then good book lice treatment is to clean and dehumidify the area where they are found.

Psocids Mites Sound

Psocids mites at night, sometimes make a clearly audible “ticking” noise by tapping the abdomen on the surface of paper. Psocids mites produce a noise that sounds exactly like the ticking of a clock.

Psocids Mites Treatment

Psocids mite treatment is necessary because they can become annoying especially in their huge numbers. These creatures are simple to eradicate using the right products and they are easy to eliminate from your home. However, some maintenance is necessary in noted areas to prevent their re-occurrence. Clearing any areas and foods where the book lice are found should be exercised initially. Throw any infected foods in garbage bags, seal and dispose of the bags away from the home so the book lice do not find a way back in. Fully aerate the room or cupboard and apply an insecticide (such as Pyrethrin) to kill the remaining book lice.

Psocids Mites Infestation

Psocid mites may be infested in retail premises or in the home, with a consequent loss of goodwill. Pallets, dunnage and packaging may be infested and act as a source of infestation of stored products. Among the wide variety of commodities and materials which may be infested by psocids are the following: bagged nuts, bat guano, chocolate, fish meal, milk powder, museum specimens and books, oil seeds, processed cereals, pollen, salami, skin scales, Springbok biltong, stored cereal grains, sugar beet seeds, yeast and even damp places. The good news about psocids is that they are slow eaters. This means damage from local populations is usually minor unless populations go unchecked for long periods of time.

Psocids Mites Control

Psocids Mites problem can be controlled by;

  • Reduce their food supply by cleaning with enzymes and/or borax, then keeping the areas clean and free of molds and mildew.
  • Use a dehumidifier or air conditioner in the infested or potentially infestation areas to reduce moisture to below 50%. Using fans can also help to increase the air flow.
  • Dispose of all moldy articles.
  • Reducing the temperature to below freezing for one hour can also kill off the psocids, but this would be impractical for a home, though it could be viable for infested items particularly for those who live in the Northern climates where an article could be placed outdoors when the temperatures drops below freezing.
  • Talcum powder, diatomaceous earth or boric acid can be dusted in non-food area cracks and crevices, crawl spaces and other areas away from children and pets, to help dry out the area.
  • Commercial products that help to control mold and fungi will also help keep the areas clean and maintain control of mold-feeding pests.

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