Category Archives: Pest Control

Golden Buprestid Bite, Life cycle, Diet, Control

Golden Buprestid is a flat-headed borer. It is also known as Buprestis aurulenta Linnaeus. These species reside in North America. It burrows its way through places for its selfish purposes. The majority of this species’ beetles eat not just the leaves of numerous plant species, but also considerable amounts of timber from houses and trees.  Golden buprestid beetles,… Read More »

Fernbush Propagation, Seeds, Pruning, Care

Fernbush is also known by its scientific name Chamaebatiaria millefolium. It is the most valuable plant in the Southwest. The lengthy blooming season starts in mid-June and usually lasts until August. Fernbush has foliate buds, which give it the impression of being a perennial tree in the winter. The water requirement of these plants is very little once… Read More »

Wood nettle vs Stinging nettle Identification, Benefits, Recipes

Stinging and Wood nettles are mostly found in the backyards and woods. Both are delicious and healthy plants having certain nutritious benefits. Wood nettle is native to Eastern and Central North America while Stinging nettle is mostly found in Pacific Northwest. In American culture, stinging nettles occupy a more prominent position, although “prominent” is an exaggeration, as the… Read More »

Shredded Redwood Mulch Pros and Cons

Redwood mulch is a natural, enduring material that both professional gardeners and homeowners love for creating attractive garden settings and flower beds. Mulch is a fantastic choice for most landscapers because of its organic texture and soothing aroma. The organic type of mulch in which the soil is covered with the shredded redwood bark is known as the shredded… Read More »