Category Archives: Pest Control

Formosan Termites Identification, Damage, Treatment | Formosan termites vs Drywood termites

There are three main castes of the subterranean termite species known as the Formosan termite: the alates (also known as reproductive), the soldiers, and the workers. As the most voracious, aggressive, and cunning of the more than 2,000 species of termites known to science, these pests are often referred to as “super termites” because of their ability to… Read More »

White Faced Hornet Size, Sting, Facts, Life cycle

The white-faced hornet, often known as the bald-faced hornet, is a subspecies of the more common yellow jacket wasp. The white-faced hornet differs from the yellow jacket because its markings are white rather than yellow. White-faced hornets are big wasps that can exceed 15 mm in length. The queen’s maximum height is 20 millimeters. The male white-faced hornet… Read More »

Hydroponic Fodder Advantages and Disadvantages

The term hydroponics is taken from the Greek phrase, which means “working with water.” It is a technique that involves growing plants in nutrient-rich fluids rather than soil. Fertilizer, sunlight, and water are the three essentials for plant growth. When done in a controlled setting, hydroponics is a simple method of supplying all these nutrients to plants without… Read More »

Sierran Treefrog Care, Eggs, Diet

The Sierran Treefrog is a species of tiny frog that is mostly found in Western Montana in regions that provide the appropriate environment. The species can be extremely common in some places but is frequently heard but not seen. Only via genetic analysis, it is possible to differentiate this species from its close relative, the Pacific Tree Frog. … Read More »

Russet Mites Damage, Eggs, Treatment

Hemp and russet mites are two of the pests that growers face nowadays that are particularly destructive and challenging to eradicate. A great number of species are host-specific and favor monocultural growth environments.  Russet mites are difficult to see and reproduce quickly, but they lack the distinct webbing that distinguishes them from spider mites. They are mites from… Read More »