Warrior Wasp Sting vs Bullet Ant, The Most Painful Stings

| November 16, 2017

Learn all about warrior wasp sting vs bullet ant and all about the most painful insect stings in the world.

The bullet ants build nests at the base of trees. The bullet ants only attack humans when they feel threatened. They have long sharp stinger and the sting is 30 times more painful than a bee sting.

Unlike honey bees the deadly bullet ants will sting again and again. The special peneratoxin compound contain with the venom of bullet ant is very powerful and it affects the central nervous system of the victim. It can result in shaking and temporary paralysis of the limbs.

Meet the Darth Vader of insects, the Warrior Wasp. With a sting that is described as “torture” and like “being chained in the flow of an active volcano”, we arrive at the second most painful sting in the world. It is a level 4 sting that can last for hours. With its Darth Vader helmet and ferocious behavior, the Warrior Wasp can wreak havoc in its native Central and South America. They are out to make trouble and aggressively guard their nest. You can see a number of seemingly angry wasps outside the nest, beating their wings in a synchronized display of threatening behavior. Stay away.

The pain level is 4+ and is the most painful sting in the world. It is truly like being shot by a bullet. According to Schmidt, the South American Velvet Ant “really shuts you down” with “huge waves and crescendos of burning pain”. It crashes into you and recedes. Then it is back again. Like walking on burning charcoal with a 3 inch nail embedded in your heel. It is so intense “it shuts down all illusion of life as normal”. And they can grow up to 1.2 inches long. And, even worse it can go on for half a day or more. One tribe in Brazil uses the Bullet Ant in an initiation rite that introduces young men into adulthood. They stuff a bunch of angry ants into gloves that the young initiates wear for up to 10 minutes.

Warrior Wasp Sting vs Bullet Ant, The Most Painful Stings

Warrior Wasp Sting vs Bullet Ant, The Most Painful Stings

Insects with Most Painful Sting

Some of the insects can even defend the large animals with their extremely painful stings. Here is the list of most painful insect stings in the world.

  • Sweat Bee
  • Fire Ant
  • Bullhorn Acacia Ant
  • Bald-Faced Hornet
  • Yellow Jacket
  • Trap jaw ant
  • Honey Bee
  • Red Harvester Ant
  • Paper Wasp
  • Tarantula Hawk
  • Warrior wasp
  • Bullet Ant

Warrior Wasp vs Bullet Ant Sting

Warrior wasps are named due them all beating their wings in unison when threatened, creating a sound that mimics soldiers marching. These Central and South American wasps attack as a group, and Schmidt describes their stings as “torture.” They burn intensely like “being chained in the flow of an active volcano,” and if you’re stung by enough of the wasps, you’ll need medical attention. The bullet ant sting is the worst pain known to humans.

As the name indicates the sting from bullet ants are as painful as a gunshot. The extreme pain will also last for 24 hours. The deadly bullet ants are also top among the largest ants in the world. They can reach up to a maximum length of 1.2 inches. The bullet ants are mainly found in rainforests of Nicaragua and Paraguay.

Warrior Wasp Sting, Location, Nest

Warrior wasps are considered to be paper wasps, as their nests are made out of paper. Their nests will change as a colony grows. Typically, they will start as one comb within a ridged, domed envelope that also has a hole or holes where other lobes can be added as necessary. Most nests have only two to three lobes, but nests with nine lobes that span over three meters have been reported. Occasionally, some of the holes will be paired as two, and, combined they have a perimeter of 10–12 centimetres (3.9–4.7 in).

Certain holes will remain open and act as entrances or exits for Synoeca septentrionalis. Synoeca septentrionalis are found in Central and South America, especially in areas such as Costa Rica, Panama, Colombia, Guatemala, Mexico and Venezuela. They are also Neotropical, meaning that they are found in primarily tropical climates, such as rainforests, where humidity is relatively high. Synoeca septentrionalis is found more north than others in the genus as well. Synoeca septentrionalis will often build their nests on trees, specifically flat against a tree trunk or a limb. Nests have been seen between 1.70 and 6 meters above the ground.

Coyote Peterson stung by Warrior wasp

Wildlife adventurer Coyote Peterson endured nature’s most excruciating sting for these shocking scenes of him brought to his knees by a tiny insect. He said the warrior wasp’s sting like being in the flow of an active volcano the pain lasts up to two hours.

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