Ground beetle habitat, Spray, Life cycle, Control

| October 23, 2017

Learn all about the ground beetle bite habitat and their life cycle. Ground beetles are one of the most common groups of beetles in North America. They are found in many types of environments including forests, fields, shorelines, agriculture. They are also found in landscapes and around homes and occasionally become a nuisance inside buildings.

Ground beetles are occasional invaders, they are typically encountered from spring to fall and enter homes most frequently during the middle or end of summer. The best way to get to know the ground beetles is to observe some up close. Since most are nocturnal, you can usually find them hiding under boards or stepping stones during the day.

Some of these beneficial garden insects create vertical tunnels that they use to ambush and trap prey, but most ground beetles wander about feeding at night. Compared with other garden insects, ground beetles are long-lived and may inhabit the garden for more than a year, overwintering as adults.

Ground beetles love moisture and are commonly spotted in woods, fields, and gardens. The ground beetle mates in late summer, then the females lay their eggs in soil. Eggs hatch during the winter and the young remain in the ground until spring. The larvae then turn into pupae and reach full maturity once the summer months come around. Ground beetles are predators that feast on caterpillars, fly maggots, aphids, slugs, and even other beetles.

Ground beetles are active at night and are occasionally attracted to lights. They hide during the day and are typically found on the ground under leaves, logs, stones, loose bark, and in grassy areas. When exposed, ground beetles typically move quickly to find shelter but rarely fly. Nearly all ground beetles are predaceous, feeding on other insects as well as other invertebrate animals, and are considered to be beneficial.

Ground beetle habitat, Spray, Life cycle, Control

What is Ground beetle

Ground beetles are members of a large family of beetles that have more than 2,000 species found in North America. Ground beetles range in size from about 1/16 to about 1-inch long. Most species are black with a somewhat flat and elongated body shape. Ground beetles have wings, but are unable to fly. Their body shapes and coloring vary somewhat, most are shiny black or metallic and have ridged wing covers (elytra).

Ground beetle Habitat

Ground beetle common habitats are under the bark of trees, under logs, or among rocks or sand by the edge of ponds and rivers. Most species are carnivorous and actively hunt for any invertebrate prey they can overpower. Ground beetles are found in just about any habitat that has other small animals for them to eat. They are most diverse and common in forests, but can be found on high mountains, in deserts, even on the seashore.

Ground beetle Spray

Ground beetle sprays are as under;

  • The Delta Dust Multi Use Pest Control Insecticide is very popular because it is very effective in controlling the ground beetle infestation. A bottle of this insecticide contains 1 lb. of chemical which is enough to cover 2000 square feet of area. It is equipped with Deltamethrin with has the tendency to repel all kinds of pests including ground beetles.
  • The Home Pest plus Germ Killer from Bayer Advanced is equipped with the capability of killing all sorts of insects as well as the germs that are left behind. This insecticide is equipped with Sodium O-phenyl phenate and beta-Cyfluthrin.
  • Cutter Backyard Bug Control Spray is another pump sprayer solution to control persistent home intrusions.
  • D-Force Aerosol has the power of Deltamethrin for above ground termite control, bedbugs, plus 50 other insect species! D-Force Aerosol provides 100% control of crawling insects for up to 8 weeks. 14 oz. can.

Ground beetle Life Cycle

Ground beetle entire cycle, from egg to reaching reproductivity, takes a full year in most species. Ground beetles usually lay their eggs on the surface of the soil or cover their eggs with soil. In general, eggs take up to a week to hatch. Larvae go through 2-4 instars before reaching the pupal stage. Ground beetles which breed in the spring typically overwinter as adults. Most species in this family mature in one year, and can live for 2-3 years.

Ground beetle Control

Ground beetle smaller infestations can often be vacuumed up or captured in a container and removed. Sticky traps may also help control and manage the pests. Large infestations, on the other hand, may require the application of an appropriately labelled insecticide around the perimeter of the home. Insecticides must be handled carefully and applied in accordance to label directions for safety and in order to work effectively. A knowledgeable pest control professional can be consulted to manage an infestation while providing additional information on how to prevent ground beetles from invading in the future.

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