Sharpblue Blueberry Size, Height, Care, Taste, Zone

| May 18, 2022

Sharpblue is a well-known bush variety that grows in the Southern States. The botanical name of Sharpblue Blueberry is Vaccinium corymbosum. It comes from the Ericaceae family. In 1976, the University of Florida introduced these plants. Sharpblue plant produces delicious and highly antioxidant berries. Due to this, the berries are becoming popular among the people and they are considered highly nutritious fruit. They are sweet and can be used in certain dishes like pie, pancakes, jams, etc.  Sharpblue is the most popular and adaptable variety in low-chill climates around the world.  Sharpblue is best suited to locations with moderate winters and little frosts.

Sharpblue Blueberry Size, Height, Care, Taste, Zone

For a blueberry bush’s growing cycle to work effectively, it must have a winter season. A blueberry bush that has not experienced winter will not produce berries on time, and the yield will be modest and unsatisfactory. 

Most blueberries need 800 or more chill hours (hours below 45 degrees Fahrenheit) each winter, whereas the Sharpblue Blueberry only needs 150-250, making it a viable choice for southern blueberry growers. It takes about 6 days to chill for 150 hours.

Sharpblue Blueberry Size and Height

Sharpblue is the best and most versatile variety for areas where it does not get very cold. It only requires 200 chill hours, making it ideal for warmer climates. Sharpblue will blossom and produce fruit virtually all the year, and the leaves will stay almost evergreen round the year. The Sharpblue plants are 5 to 6 feet tall with deciduous foliage. Blueberries of the Shaprblue variety are small to medium in size. They are considered nearly the size of a dime.

Sharpblue Blueberry Care

Blueberries grow into a tall, robust shrub that is evergreen in warm climates and semi-deciduous in cooler ones. Plants acquired in the fall and winter may acquire bronzy fall colors and lose some leaves, but when spring arrives, they will re-emerge with new leaves. The plants can be grown in the soil or preserved in a large pot. 

Blueberries are first planted in larger pots and grown for three to four months before being transplanted into the garden. Only premium potting mix is used in the pots, with some controlled-release fertilizer (Osmocote/ Nutricote, etc.) added. Garden soil is not used in pots. Blueberries grow best on acidic soils with a pH of  (4-5). A lower pH can be achieved by adding peat moss or sulfur to the soil or potting mix.

When the plants reach approximately 30 cm in height, they are ready to be planted in the garden; however, the gardeners need to keep weeds far from the tree and initially water every couple of days or so to keep the roots moist. Sharpblue Blueberry bushes require a moderate amount of irrigation. Around planting time, the branches are trimmed back by about half their length to prevent damage.

Tree protection and mulching around the plant are recommended for safety purposes. Blueberries thrive in pots in a sunny or partially shady location. So, it is important to keep the pots in the sunlight. Pots with a capacity of 15 liters or more are the best choice for good yield.

Sharpblue Blueberry Taste

Plants of the ‘Sharpblue’ blueberry variety are more resistant to rot and adapted to sandy soils than those of most other Southern Highbush kinds. Fruit usually ripens in late May or early June, and harvesting can take up to 6 weeks. Sharpblue Blueberries are valued for their sweet flavor and short chill hours, making them excellent for blueberry consumers in the south. These blueberries have a dark blue color, a firm structure, and a sweet flavor.

Sharpblue Blueberry Zone

Planting zones are places on a growing zone map that illustrates which plants are best suited to thrive in the specific location or zone. The United States is divided into thirteen planting zones, also known as USDA zones, which include the entire country.  A 10-degree range is covered by each agricultural zone. 

During the winter, the coldest zone is Zone 1, which has an average low winter temperature of -60 to -50 degrees Fahrenheit, while the warmest zone is Zone 13, which has an average minimum winter temperature of 60 to 70 degrees Fahrenheit.

The Sharpblue Blueberry is self-pollinating, although it produces a higher yield when planted with other highbush kinds. Sharpblue blueberry bushes do best in the warmer climates of zones 7-10, where they can be found in abundance.

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