Texmaster Goats Origin, Characteristics, Care

| October 3, 2022

In 1995, the Tennessee Meat Goats and Boer goats were crossed in the United States to produce the new composite breed known as the TexMaster Meat Goat. According to the Onion Creek Ranch, which was responsible for developing and registering the breed as a trademark. The Tennessee Meat Goat and the Boer goat have been crossed numerous times to produce the TexMaster breed. The resulting hybrid breed is predominate of the Myotonic variety, with only a trace amount of Boer blood to facilitate slightly more rapid development. 

In the process of developing the TexMaster breed, Onion Creek Ranch used only males descended from Myotonic or the Tennessee Meat Goat. However, the exact breeding formula is a trade secret of Onion Creek Ranch. Texas produced the Texmaster goat by crossing Myotonic and Boer goats. The Onion Creek Ranch is responsible for creating this breed.

The hardiness and low maintenance requirements of these goats are the results of selective breeding. Additionally, there is more meat on each bone. The proportion of meat to the bone in the majority of meat goats is approximately 3:1. The meat-to-bone ratio of Texmaster goats is 4:1, which indicates that they put on a lot of weight.

TexMaster Goats possess short legs, a deep and broad body, and carry a great deal of meat (muscling).

Goats are susceptible to a variety of infectious and chronic ailments that are sometimes misdiagnosed until it is too late. Immunizations, worm and louse treatments, and other preventative measures are administered when required. Checking the udder health of milking goats regularly with mastitis tests is essential, and the milking area is required to be kept clean.

Texmaster Goat


Texmaster Goats Care

Goats are social creatures that thrive in groups or partnerships. As grazers, they need an outdoor environment that is enclosed by a secure fence to keep them from escaping or eating plants that are prohibited in some locations. It is advised to give the goat enough room to move around. It is advised that each goat have a yard or pasture that is 200 square feet in size, in addition to indoor area that is around 15 square feet in size. The goats’ shelter needs to be durable enough to protect them from the elements, especially rain and wind.

Grass hay and alfalfa hay are the best types of feed for domesticated goats. This is required daily in amounts equal to or greater than three percent of the goat’s body weight. In addition, goats can be supplemented with a small amount of feed grain and concentrates (typically protein-enriched) such as goat show or goat grain. 

Goats can not survive without daily access to fresh water. It needs to be readily available and stored in a spot where it can not get dirty. Moldy water is detrimental to the health of goats. Goats used for milking are not allowed to go near plants with strong aromas or flavors, such as garlic, onions, mint, or cabbage.

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