Jericho Lettuce Review, Seed, Care, Planting Instructions

| July 18, 2022

This bright green lettuce is native to Israel and is considered a source of high heat resistance. Wild lettuce, on the other hand, developed in Asia Minor and is the source of modern lettuce. It is mentioned by Herodotus on the tables of Persian monarchs in the sixth century, and it became a prominent crop throughout Europe in the decades that followed. Columbus brought it to the New World, and this appears to be the beginning of its spread across North America. Lettuce is now a staple in practically every backyard garden in the world.

The Jericho Lettuce produces lots of young leaves and tolerates heat well. The leaves of this particular species of lettuce are particularly eye-catching due to their brilliant pale green color. Jericho can withstand high temperatures without suffering tipburn.

This lettuce can withstand the summer heat, maintaining its sweet flavor and crisp texture. Salads, sandwiches, and wraps also benefit from their vibrant color, crisp texture, and sweet flavor. 

Jericho Lettuce Review, Seed, Care, Planting Instructions

Jericho Lettuce Review

This lettuce is common in the United States’ hot and dry regions. It is made to grow in Israel’s deserts. Even in the hottest of conditions, Jericho’s flavor remains crisp and sweet. The head of this specific type is big and dense. This Jericho Romaine Lettuce possesses appealing, fast-growing, and vivid green leaves. This type of lettuce is great for growing both as baby leaves and as full-sized heads.

The Romaine Lettuce Jericho is an open-pollinated type with big sword-shaped upright leaves. Due to its strong heat and humidity tolerance and resistance to numerous downy mildew strains, it is an excellent choice for growers who wish to produce their crops in such conditions. When transplanted, Jericho Romaine Lettuce works perfectly. Transplanting enables more uniform plant spacing and avoids early-stage seedlings. Transplants are mostly started 3-4 weeks before the planned outdoor planting date.

Jericho Lettuce Seed

Lettuce is cultivated in tight plantings to “cut and come again,” or it is cultivated for its heads, which are harvested once they reach maturity. Growing lettuce for seed requires the mature plants to be thinned down to a height of 12 to 16 inches, with rows spaced between 18 and 30 inches apart.

Warmer temperatures are optimal during the flowering stage of lettuce, and it is important to avoid watering from above during seed formation to get higher seed quality. Lettuce seeds are relatively easy to store. To collect seeds, simply let the plant blossom and bolt. Over a thousand individual lettuce seeds are produced by a single plant.

Jericho Lettuce Care

The following points are important for the proper growth of Jericho Lettuce:

  1. To prevent the plants from bolting, it is essential to maintain the soil constantly moist. 
  2. When the seedlings reach a height of approximately 1 inch, thin them out. 
  3. Continue the thinning process until the plants are spaced 30 centimeters apart for standard varieties, 23 centimeters for dwarf variations, and 15 centimeters for loose-leaf types.
  4. Balanced liquid feed every 3 weeks is required to promote quick, delicate, flavorful growth.

This lettuce requires a lot of water to grow well, especially in hotter temperatures. Plastic coverings, frames, and greenhouses are used to boost the development during adverse climatic conditions. 

Aphids, botrytis, and the lettuce mosaic virus are among the pests and illnesses that harm lettuce. Blackbirds and sparrows also cause damage to seedlings. When the gardeners find unhealthy material in the plants or garden, it is important to remove it as soon as possible and produce resistant kinds wherever possible.

Jericho Lettuce Planting Instructions

A wide variety of mouthwatering meals can benefit immensely from the addition of crisp, crunchy fresh lettuce leaves. This is a great vegetable for first-time gardeners with small gardens because it grows well in containers and is mostly planted with later summer vegetables. The following points are important for planting this lettuce:

  1. Lettuce is planted directly in the ground or transplanted from starter pots.
  2. Make sure the soil is well-drained and free of debris before planting direct sow seeds. Add a quarter-inch of finely sifted earth to the top.
  3. If the gardeners are using starter pots, sow seeds into seed starting soil that is thoroughly moist and of high quality.
  4. Once lettuce germinates and real leaves appear, fertilize with an organic liquid. 
  5. When the plants reach a height of 3-4 inches, they are ready to be transplanted into the garden. 
  6. Planting lettuce outside during a warm period or throughout the warm season necessitates crop protection such as shade cloth. 
  7. Since lettuce has relatively shallow roots, it requires appropriate moisture to maintain its tenderness and sweetness. 
  8. It is important to keep the soil equally moist. The application of mulch conserves moisture and suppresses weeds.

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