Parkland Pillar Birch vs Swedish Aspen Pros and Cons, Care, Problems

| July 8, 2023

Parkland Pillar Birch (Betula platyphylla ‘Jefpark’) is a thin, upright tree with unique white bark. It is prized for its refined, columnar form, which makes it an excellent option for small-space landscapes. The Swedish Aspen, also known as Populus tremula ‘Erecta’ is a thin, quickly-growing tree that has a recognizable columnar shape. Its elegant look and fluttering leaves are famous.

Parkland Pillar Birch vs Swedish Aspen Pros and Cons


The narrow shape of the Parkland Pillar Birch makes a stunning vertical accent, giving height and visual appeal to the garden. Parkland Pillar Birch is great for busy homes because it requires little pruning and attention. Once established, this tree shows good resistance to drought, making it an ideal choice for areas with scarce water resources. It is resilient to cold weather and hardy in USDA zones three to six.

Swedish aspen, on the contrary hand, grows quickly and produces a tall, thin tree in a short amount of time, making it a popular choice for landscaping. The tree’s gracefully vibrating leaves calm the landscape. Swedish Aspen is resistant to many leaf diseases, eliminating the need for substantial pest and disease control. It thrives in cold climates and is mostly planted in USDA zone 2 and 6.


The Parkland Pillar Birch is susceptible to attack by birch borers, which can cause the tree to become weakened and may even lead to its destruction. The tree’s shallow roots make it vulnerable to drought and necessitate constant watering during dry spells. Parkland Pillar Birches generate less shade than canopy trees because of their upright growth.

Swedish Aspen, like Parkland Pillar Birch, has shallow roots and can be damaged by drought and wind. Shoots that emerge from the base of the tree are called suckers, and this tree is prone to producing them. It is necessary to prune the plant regularly to control the growth of suckers and preserve the ideal form. The average lifespan of Swedish aspen is about 15–20 years, making it one of the less persistent tree species.

Parkland Pillar Birch vs Swedish Aspen Pros and Cons, Care, Problems

Parkland Pillar Birch vs Swedish Aspen Care

The Parkland Pillar Birch needs to grow in a site with well-drained soil, full sun, or light shade. This tree is best planted by excavating a hole a bit bigger than the root ball, setting it in it, covering it with soil, and watering it well. Water the tree, especially during dry spells. Mulch the base to keep moisture in and weeds out. Parkland Pillar Birch requires minimal pruning. During the dormant season, it is important to prune the tree and remove any branches that are diseased, damaged, or crossing other branches. To encourage the healthy development of this tree, a slow-release balanced fertilizer is suggested to be used in the spring. Keep an eye out for birch borers and other pests and treat the tree if necessary.

However, Swedish Aspen needs to be planted in full sun and a place with well-drained soil. This tree is also planted by Creating a hole larger than the root ball and watering it well. To ensure that the tree’s moisture requirements are met during dry spells, water it frequently. Maintaining a tree in a columnar shape requires regular pruning to remove suckers and rubbing branches. Early spring is the best time to apply a balanced fertilizer. Swedish aspen is sensitive to wind damage. It is advised to plant this tree in protected areas and provide stakes if necessary.

Parkland Pillar Birch vs Swedish Aspen Problems

The birch borer is the primary hazard to Parkland Pillar Birch, which can inflict substantial damage if left unchecked. It is advised to check the tree for infestation indications like bark holes and decaying branches and consult an arborist for treatment.

On the other hand, Swedish Aspen is susceptible to arid stress because its root system is shallow. In extreme heat and dry conditions, watering sufficiently is crucial. Regular pruning is also required to control suckers and keep this tree from expanding beyond its intended region.


The individual’s particular needs and tastes determine whether to choose Swedish Aspen or Parkland Pillar Birch. Both trees have vertical accents and beautiful appearances, yet they also have significant advantages and disadvantages. Before making a decision, it is important to take into account a variety of aspects, including the prerequisites for maintenance, the visual appeal, and the potential issues. By following the suggested upkeep instructions and promptly addressing any potential problems, one can appreciate the beauty and advantages of these extraordinary trees in the landscape for many years.

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